✦ Masaki Online ~ Tomiprod SV DT designs hub✦

Masaki Online is a website that hosts the designs and information of UpTown-P's Dreamtonics designs. Additionally, it has info about DoodleV and Mr. Kevin SynthV which is where the designs get their inspiration from as well as the art style they were drawn in.DoodleV and Mr. Kevin SynthV was made by Ivylare, please support them!

What is DoodleV & Mr. Kevin SynthV?


╭─────────────────── DoodleV✎DoodleV is a subgenre of Dreamtonics vocalist designs that is fairly popular within the SynthV community. It started with a joke design of Kevin (called Mr. Kevin SynthV) created by Ivylare (*source).After a tweet posted on a non vocal synth account featuring Mr. Kevin SynthV went viral (*source) and the creation of his Twitter account/fanpage *(source) this spawned people to create their own designs of their Dreamtonics designs in the style of Mr. Kevin SynthV/DoodleV.The first instance of this artstyle/subgenre of Dreamtonics designs being called DoodleV was by a user called P0PSTXR (*source). It later became official with the use of the #DoodleV hashtag on Twitter as more and more users began to refer to the stickman artstyle.Users will often post their Dreamtonics vocalists designs in the DoodleV artstyle on Twitter, Tumblr and Youtube.- - -Canonicity within DoodleVDoodleV canon is a tricky thing, however it's been stated that the canon from Mr. Kevin SynthV's Twitter might different from the actual DoodleV universe itself. This is because of the existence of Mo Chen and the peaslover2002 Twitter account.The original Mo Chen design that is official to DoodleV was made by UpTown-P, however there are 2-3 separate versions of him made, the derivative that is official to the DoodleV universe made by Ivylare, the 'Twitter canon' and TomiProd's extensive universe that branches off of both timelines.None of UpTown-P's Dreamtonics designs / DoodleV designs (+ OC's) are official to the actual canon of DoodleV.(*source1) (*source2) (*source3)

╭─────────────────── Mr. Kevin SynthV✎Basic information
Mr. Kevin SynthV is a 23 year old man(*1) living in Ohio (*2) with his roommate, Ryo. (*3) Kevin is described to be loud and annoying with a soft side (this being small rodents like guinea pigs, mice ect) (*4) His favourite food is pizza and his favourite type of cake is carrot cake. (5*)
His appearance/design is based on the stereotype of Nintendo fanboys dressing up in cargo shorts and Zelda t-shirts, which Kevin is almost always depicted in. His height is stated as 5ft6/170cm (*6), his weight is 140 pounds/63kg (*7), has blue eyes (*8), acne and his hair is spiky and points upwards in all artworks depicting him. There has been debates about him being ginger/redhead or brunette, however he was confirmed brunette.His favourite things and interests include The Legend of Zelda (apparent by his outfit), Bakugan (*9), Weezer (*10), celebrity drama (no source), Super Mario 64 speed running (*11) (*12) (*13)He is friends (or acquaintances?) with Yuma and Ryo, and enemies/rivals with UpTown-P's Mo Chen design. (*14) (*15) (*16) His relationship with An Xiao is somewhat ambigious but Kevin has shown a dislike towards him for unspecified reasons. (*17) For more information about the relationships Kevin has, see relationship chart made by UpTown-P here (Canon by Ivylare)His official config / parameters can be seen here

About Tomi's designs and AU/extended universe.

╭─────────────────── Tomiprod DoodleV Extended Universe/AU✎The canonicity of UpTown-P's Dreamtonics designs are vastly different from the official canon within DoodleV. Each design has their own personalised config as well as personality and appearance. They are listed as separate characters all together from Ivylares designs.eg; Mochen & QingSu are siblings within the Tomiprod AU, however Tomi's Qing Su does not exist in the actual DoodleV canon, and is a completely separate character from Ivylares Qing SuMr. Kevin SynthV still exists in this AU as it still follows the actual DoodleV canon, just with designs featured by Tomi. A Kevin does exist in Tomi's AU by the name of Maxxie who was featured in paranoia_traumacomical.All canon within Tomi's AU can be discarded in favour of using the designs themselves with no regard to lore or pre-existing relationships as long as this is stated beforehand.

Use Saki AI LITE
Tension 0.620
Breathiness -0.490
Gender Factor 0.145


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Hidama Masaki (Saki)
Age: 21
Gender: Female (she/they)
Height: 5ft8/172cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: ?
└➤ About ───
Saki is a world re-nouned singer, songwriter and producer. She is a very popular and well liked person.
She is described as level headed and and rational by those around her, however this is a result of repressing emotions. She is very private about her personal life.Saki attributes her song ideas and inspiration to her best friend and little brother, QingSu & Ryo.

Extra information & lore here.Config:
Tension 0.165
Breathiness -0.545
Gender 0.135
Tone shift 200 cents
Chest 45%
Power 150%
Sweet 30%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Neixiang Qing Su (QingSu)
Age: 22
Gender: Transfem (she/it)
Height: 6ft4/193cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: Pansexual
└➤ About ───
QingSu is an anomaly, she sleeps up to 17 hours a day but somehow finds the time and energy to participate in the activities she loves. Her dreams are vivid and she can often recall them perfectly.
She is a very strong minded person and will not let herself get shut down in a conversation or argument. She is also a very mischievous person who often spews insults to friends in a playful manner.

Tension -0.155
Gender Factor -0.200
Soft 95%
Airy 30%
Nasal 150%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Hidama Ryokai (Ryo)
Age: 18
Gender: Male (hi/him)
Height: 5ft4/162cm
Weight: 63kg/140lbs
Sexuality: Pansexual
└➤ About ───
Ryo is a very shy but polite person, however abnormally strong for his height and weight. Ryo participates in boxxing as a hobby as well as playing Genshin Impact in his spare time.
He is pretty much a ghost to his peers and doesn't wish to draw attention to himself in fear of being bullied, however his natural clumsiness doesn't help much.He looks up to his sister, Saki, and wishes to be like her one day.

Tension -0.0.680
Gender Factor -0.215
Breathiness 0.225
Tone Shift -0.310
Clear 70%
Soft 120%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Kevin (Maxxie)
Age: 19
Gender: Transmasc (he/him)
Height: 5ft2/165cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: ?
└➤ About ───
Not much is known about Maxxie apart from that he is a very introverted and paranoid person who never seems to sleep or catch a break.
He used to date Mochen back in highschool before his transition, but the relationship quickly fell apart due to underlying issues from both sides.Maxxie has no friends and no social life.

Extra information & lore here.Config:
Tension 0.490
Breathiness -0.250
Gender factor 0.300
Tone shift 195 cents
Open 150%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Neixiang Mo Chen (Mochen)
Age: 21
Gender: Nonbinary (he/they)
Height: 6ft1/185cm (6ft5/195cm)
Weight: 92kg/204lbs
Sexuality: Pansexual
└➤ About ───
Mochen seems to be like the type of person to get his fun from ego trips, always belittling and making fun of others he deems less fortunate than he, but the truth is that he projects his problems onto others to feel better about himself.
He is incredibly introverted, riddled with social anxiety and has an inferiority complex. His mental health is in shambles due to his constant overthinking. He refuses any sort of help as he thinks it will do him no good.

Gender factor -0.250
Breathiness 0.300
Tone shift -205 cents
Opera 150%
Soft 150%
Airy 150%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Feng Yi (Fawnyi)
Age: 14
Gender: Stargender (she/star)
Height: 4ft9/144cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: Lesbian
└➤ About ───
Fawnyi is quiet, naive and clingy to those she knows. She often forms bonds to people very quickly and can sometimes be overbearing to be around, but she means well.
Her intense attachments come from the fact that she never had a consistent carer when growing up, this can be a problem as she can be too trusting of the wrong person for the wrong reasons.Her partner, Weina, is very protective over her due to this.

Tension 0.320
Breathiness -0.355
Gender factor 0.130
Tone shirt -110 cents
Chest 70%
Power 110%
Open 95%
Soft 35%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: An Xiao Li (Xiao)
Age: 32
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 5ft11/180cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
└➤ About ───
Xiao is a game-show host in New-York. He puts high pressure on himself to convey his TV personality perfectly, even in times alone. To his friends and neighbours, he just seems like a jolly and goofy guy, however he is anything but.
Deep down he is a very sorrowful man who suffers from the loss of a loved one. He blames himself every day for what happened to her and he can never forgive himself for what happened.He's a little arrogant and self centred personality wise. Xiao may consider work stressful, but he will do anything to get the spotlight on him at all times.

Tension 0.215
Breathiness -0.225
Gender factor -0.130
Tone shift 100 cents
Delicate 130%
Lucid 75%
Firm 105%
Resonant 105%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Weina
Age: 15
Gender: Nonbinary (they/it/she)
Height: 5ft/152cm
Weight: 64kg/120lbs
Sexuality: Unlabled
└➤ About ───
Weina is a 15 year old who was sucked back into the scene fashion of the 2000's. They love and adore everything about it. They own a Nintendo DSI with a singular game being the Icarly video game.
Weina loves Icarly and has their room plastered with everything related to it.They never seem to sleep and always seem to be getting into fights with others at school. Their considered to be are considered to be one of the "weird kids" along with Fawnyi and Yuma, who are also her friends.

Tension 0.310
Breathiness -0.215
Gender factor -0.300
Tone shift -300cents
Gentle 150%
Airy 120%
Powerful 55%
Solid 150%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Yuma Reid (Yuma)
Age: 14
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
Height: 5ft4/162cm
Weight: 41kg/91lbs
Sexuality: Unlabled
└➤ About ───
Yuma perceived as a incredibly awkward and un-liked person, their body is always contorting and fidgeting in unnatural ways when around people they don't know or aren't comfortable around.
Due to bullying, Yuma is very secretive about their personal life and interests. Because they get so worried about what others think of them, Yuma has found that they forgot the things they actually enjoy.They seem to look up to their older cousin, Mochen, as the two hang out every so often. Yuma has an interest in guitar and has their hair messy because of Mochen.

Extra information & lore here.Config:
Tension 0.250
Breathiness -0.405
Gender factor 0.200
Tone shift -105 cents
Soulful 95%
Steady 115%
Bold 75%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Natalie Reid (Nat)
Age: 44
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5ft9/176cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: Lesbian
└➤ About ───
Natalie shows little to no emotion, she has a thousand yard stare that will shake anyone to their core, especially her nephew, Mochen.
She often has a very hard time conveying her thoughts and emotions in a healthy manner, this was due to a difficult upbringing and as well as the passing of her half sister.Despite that, Natalie very much considers her own emotions a hinderance, she projected this sentiment onto Mochen when he was growing up, QingSu dislikes her for this very reason. Natalie also has a strong dislike for Mochen despite it being entirely her fault for being the way he is.Her child is Yuma, whom she adopted at 2 years old. She does not have a relationship with her own child and is very dettached from their life.

Extra information & lore here.Config:
Tension 0.585
Breathiness -0.250
Gender factor -0.050
Tone shift -180 cents
Solid 150%
Open 159%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Xuan Yu
Age: 26
Gender: Male (he/him)
Height: 6ft/182cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: ?
└➤ About ───
Xuan Yu is very two faced, to his community he is a respectable young man who loves camping and helping out others whenever needed, but in reality he is a very dark minded individual who is capable of very violent acts such as murder.
Xuan Yu has a long history of people going "missing" on his hiking trips, his victims are mostly young adults.He has also attempted to jump one of Mochens friends by pushing her into traffic, however he was unsuccessful.He is often mistaken for Mochen when out at night time, which leaves him with priority above the law (especially if its someone else who's getting the blame.)He has one sided rivalry with Cong Zheng.

Tension 0.370
Breathiness -0.535
Gender factor 0.130
Tone shift 340 cents
Closed 45%
Vivid 150%
Solid 80%
Powerful 115%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Cong Zheng
Age: 27
Gender: ? (they/she)
Height: 5ft8/173cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: ?
└➤ About ───
Cong Zheng works as a nurse and a therapist at a children's hospital. Although she enjoys her work, she struggles with trying to uplift herself in certain situations.
They view a lot of their patients as family and if often very emotional when they leave after being in the hospital for a long period of time.Due to Cong Zhengs nature, their viewed as a highly emotional person, however the joy they finding helping those that are in need makes them a pleasant person to be around.They are Yumas therapist.

Tension 0.585
Breathiness -0.475
Gender factor -0.105
Tone shift -310 cents
Open 150%


└➤ Basic ───
Name: Cheng Xiao (Chengxi)
Age: ?
Gender: Agender (he/him)
Height: 9ft/274cm
Weight: ?
Sexuality: ?
└➤ About ───
Chengxi describes himself as someone who is important, someone who is trustworthy and a leader, but he's really just very self centered and overly dramatic diva.
Chengxi is blissfully unaware and ignorant of his words and actions, he's characterized as being generally overbearing, condescending, and willing to put down others if it meant that he would come out on top.There isn't a moment where he stops to think for a moment and go "Maybe I acted a bit irrationally."